

Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2013

I've Changed, haven't I?

This morning I discovered, that I've changed. Unfortunately not to positive direction. I realized, I lost my passion for things, I've done for several years. Though I don't have guts to make other decisions. It's true, that people do change. I knew that. But how can I pretend to see the sign. The sign that I should've made some changes in my life.
It made me lose my passion. I don't feel the exited about things, I used to like.
What did happen with me? I feel grateful for what have happened today. 

May God guide me, show me. Don't  let me miss or maybe ignore the signs 
Give some people to remind me. Let me realize, that they're your agents of change. 

Change, who are you actually? Here I write, what I think about you.

Six important letters in life
To everyone, to anyone    
Mr. Change, what's your aim?
You make, nothing remains the same
Often it's planned, sometimes it isn't
Many pray for it, only several fight for it
Like ants, it moves little by little
But it can show up all of a sudden
Like Lightning it surprises people
It can also be as gentle as cotton
We can see it,  follow it, enjoy it,
Or we ignore it, leave it, regret it
Dear Mr. Change,
Don't let us remain the same!
Help us make a change
I'll just play along with your game

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